Friday, 16 September 2011

Hi loves,

Here is some updates from the last two days...

I took a trip to the Natural History Museum to learn a little bit about well...natural history

Here is a couple of my findings:

I think this is my favorite prehistoric animal, its a Giant g Sloth, my reason for liking this creature is because he had no natural enemies! How sweet, he is a big friendly giant (not a reference to the book the BFG)

Met some baby dinosaurs...I think that is odd that they hatch from eggs..don't you?

They had a questionnaire asking "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DINOSAURS"...This was my response...(Same thing happened to the Mayans)...Also, where can I get a poster of this for my room?

See this little guy? What a cutie, poor thing is stuffed, but I think that Erin Rosen should get a real one as a pet instead of a dog...they are super tiny (like the size of ones hand)

I also encounter my first meteor travelled all the way here from Mars!

I'm not a fan of birds but I would take these as pets...dont they remind of the messenger bird that Fred Flinstone had when he got that corporate position at the quarry in the Flinstone Movie (the first one with John know from Roseann)

Also, Dodo birds...I wish that they still existed, how funny would it be to walking down the street and bump into one of these creatures! (only if they arent rabid and vicious) They became extinct only 250 years ago. Which means I am 250 years too late....better late than never, right?

This is a headstone for a famous spanish military commander in 1407...I am requesting a similar one when I die...I hear they take a long time to make, so somebody should probably get on it!

This is the kind of armor Japanese militia wore back in the day...I wonder if the mustache was included? hmmmmm

This is a wall fountain that was commonly found in the homes of the looks beautiful from a far...lets take a closer look...

These little cuties are the source of the water!... take a guess where the water comes out of...Boy, did those medieval artist sure have a sense of humor

Something is missing on this little guy.....

I spotted this sweet Iron bench...looks pretty cool huh, well it was made in 1997...I was quickly on to the next sweet bench (but really, it shouldnt be in a historial musuem until it is atleast historical, have kids that were born in 1997 even reached high school yet?)

Look its Papa! nice shades pops..Don't worry he really hasnt picked up a pipe since he was about 2 years old

Jordan! They even have a collection of priceless Decanters..he is two for your pleasure, if you like one I can see about getting it for you...I know its behind bullet proof glass and under heavy security but ANYTHING for you :)

I also stumbled upon Bubba's blue and white decorative ceramics that is where it all went when you and Papa moved to Florida...

 Michael Paul, do you see this bed...its made from 9 layers of down feathers...I used to think your bed was the most comfortable bed in the world, but if you had this one I don't think I would ever get out of it. Unless its like Bubba and Papa's feather bed...then your bed goes back to the top of the list :)

 I think that the late 1600s and Early 1700s would be a pretty interesting time to live. I mean the women wore extravagant dresses such as this....Either doorways were much wider then or they had to walk sideways, but I'm thinking the latter

This one is for Caitlyn Tapio, it's Friday so I had to get our traditional friday night cup of coffee, I opted for a cappacino with a sprinkling of cocoa powder this week, and went to a little cafe called the Creme de la Crepe...let's take a close look at that cup

Yes, that's's a stick figure of George Clooney...

All my love,



  1. I can't wait to come visit you. The sights we will see.

  2. i loved this! getting to see what you get to do over there is just wonderful. it's starting to get cold outside and kind of dreary and it's making me think of london weather. cheers katie!
